现货进口英文Fashion History 1820世纪300年欧洲宫廷古典服装史
- 书名:Fashion
- 开本:20.1x14.5x4.3cm

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书名:《Fashion:A History from the 18th to 20th Century 》时尚:18-20世纪服装史:合集 日本京都装束学会的收集英文版
作者: Akiko Fukai(Author),Tamami Suoh(Author),Miki Iwagami(Author),Reiko Koga(Author),Rie Nii(Author)
出版:TASCHEN GmbH (25 Sept. 2015)
页数:648 pages
尺寸:20.1 x 14.5 x 4.3 cm
服裝时尚,不管是沙龍、和服或是西裝,都可呈現出穿著者的文化階級、個性甚至是。日本京都服裝研究所了解衣裝在社交、歷史、與藝術上的重要性,對18世紀以來的歷史服裝、內衣、鞋子、流行配件等有廣泛的研究。從京都服裝研究所的檔案中,本書挑選多張專業拍攝的圖片,每張圖像皆由特製的人體模型來展示服飾。Fashion History紀錄近300多年來流行服飾的變化,引領讀者一探奢華迷人的時尚世界。
From the 18th century to today, the ultimate compendium of clothing
Clothes define people. A person s attire, whether it s a sari, kimono, or business suit, is an essential code to his or her culture, class, personality, even their faith. Founded in 1978, the Kyoto Costume Institute recognizes the importance of understanding clothes from sociological, historical, and artistic perspectives. Now holder of one of the world s most extensive clothing collections, the KCI has amassed a wide range of historical garments, underwear, shoes, and fashion accessories dating from the 18th century to the present day.
Showcasing the Institute s vast collection, Fashion History is a fascinating excursion through the last three centuries of clothing trends. Featuring impeccable photography of clothing expertly displayed and arranged on custom-made mannequins, it is a testimony to clothing as an essential manifestation of our very being and to the Instiute's passion for fashion as a complex and intricate artform.
The book's authors include some of the smartest minds and sharpest eyes in fashion studies: Akiko Fukai (Chief Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute), Tamami Suoh (Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute), Miki Iwagami (Lecturer of fashion history at Sugino Fashion College (Tokyo)), Reiko Koga (Professor of fashion history at Bunka Women s University), and Rie Nii (Associate Curator of The Kyoto Costume Institute).

好人。好店。好书。 [2010.12.04 10:21:33] | 买家:林**兰 |
很赞的书,发货速度也很快 [2010.12.01 16:41:23] | 买家:deancastiel |
物有所值,从来没碰到过服务这么好的老板。 [2010.11.25 19:30:52] | 买家:wenwudd |
很华丽的书! [2010.11.22 16:14:31] | 买家:e398阿莱克斯王 |
发货很快,包装的太好导致拆的有点辛苦。 就是硬皮封面有点暇疵,但还是在能接受的范围。 总体来说还是很不错的。 = =~~~ [2010.11.20 12:28:24] | 买家:daisuke(咨询特价) |
非常喜欢,包装专业! [2010.11.04 10:35:47] | 买家:爱**菜 |
买了很多次书了,这次快递非常之快!很棒的书~开心选~~ [2010.11.01 11:47:41] | 买家:wencaidudu |
书不错 [2010.10.31 01:16:39] | 买家:回**门  |
值得收藏! 很好的卖家!! [2010.10.28 10:00:45] | 买家:humbird_zyy |
很喜欢啊 [2010.10.25 13:32:42] | 买家:rencaizhe  |
的太好了 TVT 感动,掉进太平洋都不会湿吧!!!XDDDD [2010.10.21 00:45:24] | 买家:暗**火 |
不错! [2010.10.20 22:41:57] | 买家:randy(咨询特价)  |
非常棒! [2010.10.10 18:35:27] | 买家:missa茜茜 |
好正! [2010.10.08 11:31:32] | 买家:hexighy |
速度很快,书也很不错。 [2010.10.07 15:07:12] | 买家:止**澜 |
非常喜欢这本,爱不释手了呀! [2010.10.04 09:51:00] | 买家:a**着 |
书很棒,对服装有兴趣的TX都应该来一本收藏。 [2010.09.25 15:36:02] | 买家:非常小飞 |
:) [2010.09.22 21:32:05] | 买家:子**0  |
好!很好!非常好! [2010.09.16 21:22:56] | 买家:luanhailong(咨询特价)  |
确实相当细节,相当华丽,大爱 [2010.09.09 23:15:46] | 买家:木鱼子甾  |

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